These are the words of Christ. Tender, life-giving words spoke over two thousand years ago, yet words that still extend love and grace to every person who is willing to listen. Too many people in this city, in this world, are drowning in the weight of it all, burdened and weak and tired. We live in a culture of baggage. Nearly every person that you pass on the street is carrying a the weight of depression, anger, haunting memories, shame or any other number of hurts. The same is probably true of the person you pass in the mirror. It is true for me.
We have baggage in our lives. On our own, we are never truly free. No matter where we look to solve our problems, we find new burdens overtaking us. It is to poor slaves like us that Jesus speaks these words. He alone holds freedom from the crushing chains that bind us. Spend some time this week meditating upon the way that Jesus lived. Read through the book of Mark or one of the other Gospels. Learn the "unforced rhythms of grace". It is only in the presence of Christ that we learn to live and walk in the path of freedom. It is a long process, letting go of baggage. This is only the begginging, the first step. But take His hand, take that first step. Share your experience of spending time in Christ's presence with others. Share it on this forum if you feel comfortable. Or, let others know that there is hope, tell them your story of a piece of baggage that Jesus has already freed you from.