Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Our Heavenly Father,

You alone are God, you alone are good. We were dead in our sin and you bought our salvation with the sacrifice of your beloved son, Jesus Christ. May you be glorified forever for who you are and what you've done.
But God, if we've been saved and our sin is removed forever, it's hard to understand why we still live the same way we always have. Why is there such a large gap between who you call us to be and who we actually are? Lord, unless you save us, this is who we are. Please save us.
As we, Journey Church, begin this new season of growth and transformation, we give it all to you. We acknowledge that we are powerless to help ourselves, powerless to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Your Spirit at work in us is our only hope. We give ourselves to you. Take us and root out the false gods and evil tendencies that cling to their ownership of our souls. Pour your living water into us and enrich our inner beings. Make us receptive and soft to your convictions and guidance. Don't leave us as we are. God transform our souls.
We lift all up to you in the name and power of Jesus Christ,


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