Tuesday, April 24, 2007


In terms of developing a life of prayer, the single most important step that we can take is the first one. I think that sometimes we overestimate our importance in the act of prayer, while at the same time severely underestimating God's grace and activity in the prayer. This is the attitude that leads to the belief that to truly pray, the individual must do it "right" or the whole activity will be botched. It is also the attitude that prevents many from even beginning to learn to pray.
So the best piece of advice I can give is to say simply this: begin. Do not worry about doing it wrong. It isn't our business to know how to pray, it is our business to let God teach us. If you are a seasoned vet at prayer, the following might be somewhat useless to you, but if you are, like me, a beginner, then may I offer a couple of things to keep in mind:
1) God is active when we pray. I think we need to learn to cultivate an attitude that recognizes that we are not to be the more active/vocal partner in prayer dialogue. This is a hard discipline to develop because learning to recognizing God's voice is difficult and frustrating and a life-long process. That being said, let God lead. Do not feel like you need to fill the entire prayer with chatter. Even in silence, God is at work in you as you let yourself be open to His leading Spirit. Prayer is communion with the living God; who are we to thing that the activity depends on our activity? We are not the lead partners in the prayer-dance.
2) God honors even broken prayers. As I said above, it is not our business to know exactly what to pray for. The hard truth is that we are sinful, limited beings, and God's perspective is not ours. Therefore, it is not an inappropriate thing to admit to God that you are unsure of what to say. The Bible says that God's Spirit intercedes on our behalf when we are overwhelmed an unable to discern the best thing to pray for. Even the most pitiful, uninformed prayer is a blessing to God if it is offered in honesty, with open hands. It is an important thing to learn to pray for our prayers.
3) The goal of prayer is God. This is a personal soapbox of mine. I don't like the idea of prayer having as its core purpose submitting our requests to God. We should not pray because through praying we tell God what we want. We pray because in prayer, we encounter God Himself. Communion with the divine is our chief end. In prayer we are exposing our deepest selves to the governance of sovereign God, letting our hard hearts be shown sensitive to the will of our loving Father. We pray so that God will tell us what He wants.
Hopefully these things are helpful to you in establishing a habit of prayer in your life with Christ. Obviously, there is far more that could be said about prayer, and eventually we must move past these humble beginnings. But the important thing here is to begin. Do not delay, simply come before the God of grace and begin. As you do, you might want to share some of your joys, frustrations, experiences or anything else on here or with someone you trust.
"Lord, teach us to pray."

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Our Heavenly Father,

You alone are God, you alone are good. We were dead in our sin and you bought our salvation with the sacrifice of your beloved son, Jesus Christ. May you be glorified forever for who you are and what you've done.
But God, if we've been saved and our sin is removed forever, it's hard to understand why we still live the same way we always have. Why is there such a large gap between who you call us to be and who we actually are? Lord, unless you save us, this is who we are. Please save us.
As we, Journey Church, begin this new season of growth and transformation, we give it all to you. We acknowledge that we are powerless to help ourselves, powerless to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Your Spirit at work in us is our only hope. We give ourselves to you. Take us and root out the false gods and evil tendencies that cling to their ownership of our souls. Pour your living water into us and enrich our inner beings. Make us receptive and soft to your convictions and guidance. Don't leave us as we are. God transform our souls.
We lift all up to you in the name and power of Jesus Christ,

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


They tell me it's spring. That's what it says on my calendar; March 21st, "First Day of Spring." Well, it's April 10th now, and I'm looking out my front window and I feel a little deceived. It may be officially spring, but from where I'm sitting, it sure looks like winter. The sky is gray and the ground is white. There are no leaves on the trees. The grass is still brown. From my perspective, we are still living in winter.
Winter, in a certain sense, is characterized by death. At least to me, when I think of the winter I think of the death of the living vibrancy that inhabits summer. Winter is a cold, dull, quiet, even death that consumes the entire landscape. It is beautiful, in its own way, but by the time April hits, winter feels mighty old. The winter of the soul is very much the same. We are Christ-followers, we've heard and believed that death has been defeated in Jesus; in His resurrection. Life has come! Death is undone! The only problem is, from where I stand, I still see a whole lot of winter, and sometimes very little spring.
Maybe I'm just a pessimist, seeing only the negative aspects of a fallen world, and not recognizing enough the redemption at work around me and in me. To be fair: I have seen life overcome death in people around me, in myself. I've seen addictions die, hatred dissolve, hard hearts melt like ice in the sun. I've seen life come to houses where once only death lived.
Sometimes though, I look out and all I see is the winter. You've probably been there. How do we reconcile the tension between death seen and resurrection hoped for? This is a continuation of last week's message from Malcolm and blog subject. How do we hold both the Already and the Not Yet in healthy tension?
Jesus said to Martha in John 11:25-26, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
Jesus' very presence IS the resurrection. Do you believe this? How do you live this truth out when death seems so prevalent?

Monday, April 02, 2007


"So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin." - Romans 7:25

Paul, who wrote the above passage, understood the tension of living saved, but living sinful. You see, Jesus did in fact die to release us from the prison of sin. Even while He was pinned to the cross, He cried out, "It is finished." His work was finished. At the moment of His death, the curtain in the temple that separated the holiest part of the temple from the rest was torn in two. This ripping of fabric symbolized the entrance of a new era where religious institutions were no longer required to access the presence of God. Direct communion with Holy God became a reality in the person of Jesus Christ.
But (and it is a big but, as Malcolm pointed out on Sunday), our present lives don't always appear to reflect these truths. In fact, some would say that they rarely, if ever do. If Christ crucified my sin, and I am free from it forever, and I have direct access to God's Holy presence, why does evil still run rampant in my life? In my world? Why do I still sin? Why do I still crave false gods instead of the One True God? Why do I still struggle with the same temptations and frustrations and aches year in and year out? It would appear that there is a contradiction between my theology and my frame of experience.
My theology professor used to call this tension life between the bookends. Looking both backwards and forwards we see certain victory. The past shows us the reality that it is, indeed, finished. Christ's blood washes my sin. Once for all time. Looking ahead to the promise of victory in the future, we look forward to the final, total, complete redemption that comes with Christ's return. Right now, this present day, however, we live between the bookends. It is what the Bible refers to as the "Last Days." The Already Not Yet. In this time, we are seeing the beginnings of salvation. We ache for the end.
How do you balance this tension of life between the bookends? How do you reconcile the two? Where does your hope lie? How can we walk this path together?